Python - Using NTLM
Revision as of 11:29, 21 May 2016 by PeterHarding (talk | contribs) (Created page with " =Some Info= From - <pre> from smtplib import SMTPE...")
Some Info
from smtplib import SMTPException, SMTPAuthenticationError import string import base64 import sspi # NTLM Guide -- SMTP_EHLO_OKAY = 250 SMTP_AUTH_CHALLENGE = 334 SMTP_AUTH_OKAY = 235 def asbase64(msg): return string.replace(base64.encodestring(msg), '\n', '') def connect_to_exchange_as_current_user(smtp): """Example: >>> import smtplib >>> smtp = smtplib.SMTP("my.smtp.server") >>> connect_to_exchange_as_current_user(smtp) """ # Send the SMTP EHLO command code, response = smtp.ehlo() if code != SMTP_EHLO_OKAY: raise SMTPException("Server did not respond as expected to EHLO command") sspiclient = sspi.ClientAuth('NTLM') # Generate the NTLM Type 1 message sec_buffer=None err, sec_buffer = sspiclient.authorize(sec_buffer) ntlm_message = asbase64(sec_buffer[0].Buffer) # Send the NTLM Type 1 message -- Authentication Request code, response = smtp.docmd("AUTH", "NTLM " + ntlm_message) # Verify the NTLM Type 2 response -- Challenge Message if code != SMTP_AUTH_CHALLENGE: raise SMTPException("Server did not respond as expected to NTLM negotiate message") # Generate the NTLM Type 3 message err, sec_buffer = sspiclient.authorize(base64.decodestring(response)) ntlm_message = asbase64(sec_buffer[0].Buffer) # Send the NTLM Type 3 message -- Response Message code, response = smtp.docmd("", ntlm_message) if code != SMTP_AUTH_OKAY: raise SMTPAuthenticationError(code, response)
Also looked promising: