Debugging ZSI Scripts
Revision as of 09:41, 8 February 2008 by PeterHarding (talk | contribs) (New page: <pre> == ZSI Logging == OK I tried this also, thanks, Josh. But I found no indication what causes "Object reference not set to an instance of object." Strangely enough, other soap act...)
== ZSI Logging == OK I tried this also, thanks, Josh. But I found no indication what causes "Object reference not set to an instance of object." Strangely enough, other soap actions of the same WSDL SOAP service work fine. Also the created docs seem to be fine. Kind regards Martin Again a summary of the facts. wsdl2py -b -p (latest trunk version #1419). Python 2.5.1 script called: (replaced authentication no. by "INTEGER", string by "STRING" ########################################################## AffilinetID = INTEGER AffilinetWSPW = "STRING" import sys from ProductDataV1_client import * ZSI.wstools.logging.setBasicLoggerDEBUG() #ZSI.wstools.logging.BasicLogger.debugOn #ZSI.wstools.logging.BasicLogger.setLevel(10) locator = ProductDataV1Locator() port = locator.getProductDataV1Soap(tracefile=sys.stdout) request = searchProductsSoapIn() request.set_element_PartnerID(AffilinetID) request.set_element_Password(AffilinetWSPW) request.set_element_Keywords("Software") request.set_element_WithImgOnly("true") request.set_element_ShowDetail("false") request.set_element_ImageSize(1) request.set_element_ShopID(<integer>) request.set_element_Page(1) request.set_element_PageSize(1) request.set_element_OrderBy ("Rank*") request.set_element_OrderDirection(1) print request print "PartnerID = ", request.PartnerID print "Password = ", request.Password print "ShowDetail= ", request.ShowDetail print "Keywords = ", request.Keywords print "Page = ", request.Page print "WithImgOnly=", request.WithImgOnly response = port.searchProducts(request) ################################################ output on stdout: ################### <ProductDataV1_types.searchProducts_Holder object at 0x86a346c> PartnerID = INTEGER Password = STRING ShowDetail= false Keywords = Software Page = 1 WithImgOnly= true ---- ZSI.TCcompound.ComplexType ---- [DEBUG] cb: (<ZSI.TCnumbers.Iint instance at 0x85eb98c>, <ZSI.TC.String instance at 0x85eb9cc>, <ZSI.TC.String instance at 0x85eba0c>, <ZSI.TC.String instance at 0x85eba4c>, <ZSI.TC.Boolean instance at 0x85eba8c>, <ZSI.TC.Boolean instance at 0x85ebaac>, <ZSI.TCnumbers.Iint instance at 0x85ebacc>, <ZSI.TCnumbers.Iint instance at 0x85ebaec>, <ZSI.TCnumbers.Iint instance at 0x85ebb2c>, <ZSI.TC.String instance at 0x85ebb6c>, <ZSI.TC.String instance at 0x85ebbac>, <ZSI.TC.String instance at 0x85ebbec>, <ZSI.TCnumbers.Iint instance at 0x85ebc2c>) [DEBUG] element: (, searchProducts) [DEBUG] element declaration (,searchProducts) [DEBUG] xsi:type definition (None,None) [DEBUG] serialize what -- Iint [DEBUG] serialize what -- String [DEBUG] serialize what -- String [DEBUG] serialize what -- String [DEBUG] serialize what -- Boolean [DEBUG] serialize what -- Boolean [DEBUG] serialize what -- Iint [DEBUG] serialize what -- Iint [DEBUG] serialize what -- Iint [DEBUG] serialize what -- String [DEBUG] serialize what -- String [DEBUG] serialize what -- String [DEBUG] serialize what -- Iint _________________________________ Fri Oct 12 10:01:34 2007 REQUEST: <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ZSI="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""><SOAP-ENV:Header></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body xmlns:ns1=""><ns1:searchProducts><ns1:PartnerID>INTEGER</ns1:PartnerID><ns1:Password>STRING</ns1:Password><ns1:ShopID>INTEGER</ns1:ShopID><ns1:Keywords>Software</ns1:Keywords><ns1:WithImgOnly>true</ns1:WithImgOnly><ns1:ShowDetail>true</ns1:ShowDetail><ns1:ImageSize>1</ns1:ImageSize><ns1:Page>1</ns1:Page><ns1:PageSize>1</ns1:PageSize><ns1:OrderBy>Rank*</ns1:OrderBy><ns1:OrderDirection>1</ns1:OrderDirection></ns1:searchProducts></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope> _________________________________ Fri Oct 12 10:01:35 2007 RESPONSE: 200 OK ------- Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 08:01:10 GMT Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0 X-Powered-By: ASP.NET X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727 Cache-Control: private, max-age=0 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 562 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Body><searchProductsResponse xmlns=""><searchProductsResult><Records>0</Records><ErrorMsg>Object reference not set to an instance of an object.</ErrorMsg><TotalRecords>0</TotalRecords><TotalPages>0</TotalPages><CurrentPage>0</CurrentPage></searchProductsResult></searchProductsResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope> [DEBUG] parse [DEBUG] ofwhat: (<ProductDataV1_types.ProductSearchResult_Def object at 0x85ef10c>,) [DEBUG] what: (,searchProductsResult) [DEBUG] child node: (,searchProductsResult) [DEBUG] parse [DEBUG] ofwhat: (<ZSI.TCnumbers.Iint instance at 0x86252ec>, <ZSI.TC.String instance at 0x862532c>, <ZSI.TCnumbers.Iint instance at 0x85ef14c>, <ZSI.TCnumbers.Iint instance at 0x85ef18c>, <ZSI.TCnumbers.Iint instance at 0x85ef1ac>, <ProductDataV1_types.ArrayOfProductSearchItem_Def object at 0x85ef1cc>) [DEBUG] what: (,Records) [DEBUG] child node: (,Records) [DEBUG] what: (,ErrorMsg) [DEBUG] child node: (,ErrorMsg) [DEBUG] what: (,TotalRecords) [DEBUG] child node: (,TotalRecords) [DEBUG] what: (,TotalPages) [DEBUG] child node: (,TotalPages) [DEBUG] what: (,CurrentPage) [DEBUG] child node: (,CurrentPage) [DEBUG] what: (,Items) >>> Am Donnerstag, 11. Oktober 2007 03:44 schrieb Joshua Boverhof: > try this at the start of your program: > > ZSI.wstools.logging.setBasicLoggerDEBUG() > > > It would be nice to allow for the standard python logging, but I > think in python-2.3 just importing it used to kill performance. > > -josh >