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See http://www.whitepapersource.com/

White Papers

Sources of information on Performance Testing:

Centralized Application Performance Testing

Automated load, stress, and volume testing has proven to be effective at lowering the risk of rolling out bad performing applications. You can search the Internet for past news articles about those companies who failed to use these products. Even so, many larger companies have not maximized their investment because the testing process is not uniform across multiple lines of business (or LOB's). A few leading companies have chosen to centralize their resources around a Center of Excellence (COE) model for performance testing. Case studies from Mercury and research papers from organizations such as the META group have shown that this approach is the wave of the future. It allows for reduced cost, faster turn around for projects, and a repeatable experience in the testing process regardless of the project or platform. Click link below to read more...

(Whitepaper written by Scott More - LoadTester Inc)


Building a Performance Center of Excellence

A Center of Excellence is an organization that functions as a resource to other educational institutions and industry, serving as the nucleus for development of curriculum, skill standards and promoting technological advancements. Centers of Excellence identify Best Practices and provide workforce training services to industry and educational institutions upon request. Read Scott Moore's Mercury World 2004 Presentation on how to build and sustain a Performance Center - Center of Excellence


Critical Success Factors for Load Test Projects

A short, and to-the-point whitepaper from PowerTest which explains what needs to happen to enjoy a smooth load testing project. It covers the planning phase, the people that should be involved, the skill sets needed, and more.


A Successful Performance Tuning Methodology

A whitepaper by Azeem Mohamed at Quest Software which outlines the "Detect, Diagnose, and Resolve" methodology as it applies to tuning Oracle databases.


Application Delivery: Center of Excellence Development

This paper provides a stage-by-stage analysis of the roles, processes, and deliverables of a CoE as it evolves along with specific products and services to implement at each phase.


Get Ready for Production with Mercury LoadRunner Tuning Module

This paper examines the new trends in performance testing and describes how the new Mercury LoadRunner Tuning Module enables you more effectively find and resolve bottlenecks.


Performance Center Best Practice

This presentation is targeted at Test Analysts responsible for creating automated performance test scripts and executing performance tests. It shows how to apply performance testing best practices to develop robust, reliable, maintainable scripts. It will also show how to maximize the value of performance testing to the business by identifying and prioritizing tasks which result in the greatest ROI for time and effort. (Presented by John Laurier at the HPSU Asia/Pacific 2007)


The Power of Combining Pre-Deployment Capacity Planning and Load Testing

This paper will discuss and demonstrate how performance modelling combined with load testing improves application readiness. After a discussion of the requirements and benefits of modelling, a case study of an actual load testing and modelling effort is presented. The case study walks through the entire modeling process, from data collection, through model construction, and model validation. The case study concludes with a description of how the model was used to guide and improve the load testing effort.


The Art of Performance Testing

How to lead a performance test without losing your sanity\! This presentation offers testers a step-by-step approach to solving the most common problems. It reviews the problem, investigates it's occurrence, provides you with options and tells you how to predict it. (Presented by Adam Andrews at HPSU Asia/Pacific 2007)


Load Testing: Mitigating Risk Before Go-Live (SAP LoadRunner)

Rigorous testing of new, upgraded, and newly integrated software applications, before they go live, is one proven way to mitigate the risk of under-performance and to decrease the cost of ownership on IT. This white paper discusses how to ensure robust, reliable enterprise software. (note: This paper is offered for your convenience and should not be viewed as an endorsement by Mercury of the content, products, or services offered.)


Pillars of Application Quality: Security, Functional, and Performance Testing

Web application security has become an urgent need as organizations increasingly adopt the Internet for essential daily business operations. And yet, the traditional development and QA cycle for building Web applications does not incorporate security into existing processes. The losses generated by this security gap are significant and expensive. In short, Web application security is now a quality issue opening organizations to potential legal, regulatory and shareholder liability


Optimize Application Quality and Performance to Drive Business Outcomes

This paper describes the shortcomings of traditional application delivery and provides an overview of a new, practical approach - one that industry analysts and Mercury customers agree can help take software applications to higher levels of quality, performance, and availability.

