Difference between revisions of "Timeline.py"

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(New page: <pre> #!/usr/bin/env perl # # $Id:$ # #------------------------------------------------- @types = ('backline', 'frontline', 'teamlead', 'operations'); @nodes = ('node1', 'node2', 'node3'...)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
#! /usr/bin/env python
#  Purpose: Parse and display an informix log file
#  $Id:$
#  $Id:$
Parse BL's log files to show the underlying function invocation
sequence in the designated log file.  Also show timing of start
of function.
import re
import os
import sys
import time
import getopt
import pickle
__version__  = "1.1.2"
debugFlg    = 0
stdoutFlg    = 0
verboseFlg  = 0
wallclockFlg = 0
rewriteFlg  = 0
filename    = "logs.sorted"
mode        = None
data        = None
td_start    = None
vuser        = "068"
SPACES      = "        "
started      = {}
node_map    = None
def startSeconds(s):
  return time.mktime(time.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
def seconds(hms):
  s = hms.split(':')
  return ((s[0] * 60) + s[1]) * 60 + s[2]
def hms(t_secs):
  hm    = t_secs / 60
  hours  = hm / 60
  mins  = hm % 60
  secs  = t_secs % 60
  return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % ( hours, mins, secs)
def parse(filename):
  outfile = "timeline.txt"
      ifo = open(filename, 'r')
  except IOError, msg:
      sys.stderr.write(filename + ': cannot open: ' + `msg` + '\n')
  if stdoutFlg == 1:
      ofo = os.dup(sys.stdout)
        ofo = open(outfile, 'w')
      except IOError, msg:
        sys.stderr.write(outfile + ': cannot open: ' + `msg` + '\n')
  depth        = 0
  depth_max    = 0
  cnt          = 0
  cnt_fail      = 0
  last_hms      = None
  start        = None
  end          = None
  idx          = []
  marks        = []
  for i in range(25):
      marks.append(' ')
  while 1:
      line = ifo.readline()
      if not line: break
      line = line[:-1]
      if re.search("^[^0-9]", line):
      if re.search("^#", line):
      if re.search("^$", line):
      if re.search("^\r$", line):
      cnt += 1
      p = line.split(' ', 6)
      # print p
      hms_elapsed  = p[0]
      hms_wallclock = p[2].replace("]","")
      vuser        = p[3]
      file_lineno  = p[4]
      task          = p[5]
      if re.search(r'TxStart', p[6]):
        s    = p[6].split(' ')
        #mode = s[0]
        mode = "START"
        tmatch = re.search(r'\[(.*?)\]', s[1])
        if tmatch:
            type    = tmatch.group(1)
            subtx    = type.replace(task, "")
            subtx    = subtx.replace("_", "")
        signature = ':'.join((type, vuser))
        # print "Signature [%s]" % signature
        col = idx.pop()
        marks[col] = 'v'
        start      = col
        depth    += 1
        if not started.has_key(signature):
            started[signature] = col
        elif not started[signature]:
            started[signature] = col
            print "%s already started" % signature
      elif re.search(r'TxEnd', p[6]):
        s    = p[6].split(' ')
        mode    = "*END*"
        tmatch = re.search(r'\[(.*?)\]', s[1])
        if tmatch:
            type    = tmatch.group(1)
            subtx    = type.replace(task, "")
            subtx    = subtx.replace("_", "")
        tmatch = re.search(r'\[(.*?)\]', s[2])
        if tmatch:
            elapsed  = float(tmatch.group(1))
        tmatch = re.search(r'\[(.*?)\]', s[3])
        if tmatch:
            status  = tmatch.group(1)
        tmatch = re.search(r'\[(.*?)\]', s[6])
        if tmatch:
            username  = tmatch.group(1)
        tmatch = re.search(r'\[(.*?)\]', s[7])
        if tmatch:
            obj      = tmatch.group(1)
        signature = ':'.join((type, vuser))
        # print "Signature [%s]" % signature
        if started.has_key(signature):
            # print "%s ending" % type
            col = started[signature]
            if status == "LR_FAIL":
              cnt_fail  += 1
              status    = "@"
              marks[col] = '+'
              status    = " "
              marks[col] = '*'
            end        = col
            started[signature] = None
            depth -= 1
            print "%s not started" % type
      if depth > depth_max:
        depth_max = depth
      if hms_elapsed == last_hms:
        hms_elapsed  = SPACES
        hms_wallclock = SPACES
        last_hms = hms_elapsed
      marker = ''.join(marks)
      if mode == "START":
        print >>ofo, "%s %s %s %s %s %s          %-30s %s " % (hms_elapsed, marker, hms_wallclock, vuser, node_map[vuser], mode, task[0:30], subtx[0:25])
        if elapsed > 30:
            flg = "!"
            flg = " "
        print >>ofo, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s%s %5.2f %-30s %-25s %s %s" % (hms_elapsed, marker, hms_wallclock, vuser, node_map[vuser], mode, status, flg, elapsed, task[0:30], subtx[0:25], username, obj)
      if start:
        marks[start] = '|'
        start        = None
      if end:
        marks[end]  = ' '
        end          = None
  print >>sys.stderr, "Processed %d lines (%d LR_FAIL) (max depth %d)" % (cnt, cnt_fail, depth_max)
def main():
  global filename
  global td_start
  global debugFlg
  global stdoutFlg
  global verboseFlg
  global rewriteFlg
  global wallclockFlg
  global node_map
      opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "df:ors:tvVw?")
  except getopt.error, msg:
      print __doc__
      return 1
  for o, a in opts:
      if o == '-d':
        debugFlg = 1
      elif o == '-f':
        filename = a
      elif o == '-o':
        stdoutFlg = 1
      elif o == '-s':
        td_start = a
      elif o == '-v':
        verboseFlg = 1
      elif o == '-V':
        print "Version: %s" % __version__
        return 1
      elif o == '-r':
        rewriteFlg = 1
      elif o == '-t':
        rewriteFlg = 1
        wallclockFlg = 1
      elif o == '-w':
        wallclockFlg = 1
      elif o == '-?':
        print __doc__
        return 1
  if (debugFlg):
      print ">> Flg    %s" % debugFlg
  f = open('node_map.dump', 'r')

@types = ('backline', 'frontline', 'teamlead', 'operations');
  node_map = pickle.load(f)
@nodes = ('node1', 'node2', 'node3', 'node6');

$no_nodes = $#nodes + 1;
  if args:
      for arg in args:

printf "Building data for %d  nodes\n", $no_nodes;
  return 1

#---- Rewrite ------------------------------------

foreach $type (@types) {
if __name__ == '__main__' or __name__ == sys.argv[0]:
  $in  = sprintf("users_%s_node1.dat", $type);
   $out = sprintf("users_%s_%dnodes.dat", $type, $no_nodes);

  open IN,  "< $in";
  open OUT, "> $out";

  $_ = <IN>;
  print OUT $_;
Revision History:

   $cnt = 0;
    Date    Who  Description
   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
  20040617  plh  Initial implementation

  while (<IN>) {
Problems to fix:
      $idx = $cnt % $no_nodes;

To Do:

      print OUT $_;


  close IN;
  close OUT;
00:00:08 [2004-06-16 18:24:21] 043 ../lib/Login.c:41 FL_Login Login - (VUser Frontline:43)
00:00:08 [2004-06-16 18:24:21] 043 ../lib/Login.c:44 FL_Login host [node2.perf:7001] username [FaMELGTW] password [FaMELGTW]
00:00:08 [2004-06-16 18:24:21] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1209 FL_Login start transaction [FL_Login_Home]
00:00:10 [2004-06-16 18:24:23] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1110 FL_Login end transaction [FL_Login_Home]
00:00:10 [2004-06-16 18:24:23] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1134 FL_Login transaction result [FL_Login_Home] [2.403497] [LR_PASS] [0.000000]
00:00:15 [2004-06-16 18:24:28] 065 ../lib/Login.c:41 BL_Login Login - (VUser Backline:65)
00:00:15 [2004-06-16 18:24:28] 065 ../lib/Login.c:44 BL_Login host [node2.perf:7001] username [BaMELGTW] password [BaMELGTW]
00:00:15 [2004-06-16 18:24:28] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1209 BL_Login start transaction [BL_Login_Home]
00:00:18 [2004-06-16 18:24:31] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1110 BL_Login end transaction [BL_Login_Home]
00:00:18 [2004-06-16 18:24:31] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1134 BL_Login transaction result [BL_Login_Home] [2.181031] [LR_PASS] [0.000000]
00:00:19 [2004-06-16 18:24:32] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1209 FL_Login start transaction [FL_Login_Redirect]
00:00:21 [2004-06-16 18:24:34] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1110 FL_Login end transaction [FL_Login_Redirect]
00:00:21 [2004-06-16 18:24:34] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1134 FL_Login transaction result [FL_Login_Redirect] [0.781231] [LR_PASS] [0.000000]
00:00:27 [2004-06-16 18:24:40] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1209 BL_Login start transaction [BL_Login_Redirect]
00:00:29 [2004-06-16 18:24:42] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1110 BL_Login end transaction [BL_Login_Redirect]
00:00:29 [2004-06-16 18:24:42] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1134 BL_Login transaction result [BL_Login_Redirect] [0.131494] [LR_PASS] [0.000000]
00:00:32 [2004-06-16 18:24:45] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1224 FL_Login start transaction [FL_Login_NotificationInitFrame]
00:00:34 [2004-06-16 18:24:47] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1110 FL_Login end transaction [FL_Login_NotificationInitFrame]
00:00:34 [2004-06-16 18:24:47] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1134 FL_Login transaction result [FL_Login_NotificationInitFrame] [0.041493] [LR_PASS] [0.000000]
00:00:39 [2004-06-16 18:24:52] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1224 BL_Login start transaction [BL_Login_NotificationInitFrame]
00:00:41 [2004-06-16 18:24:54] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1110 BL_Login end transaction [BL_Login_NotificationInitFrame]
00:00:41 [2004-06-16 18:24:54] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1134 BL_Login transaction result [BL_Login_NotificationInitFrame] [0.041671] [LR_PASS] [0.000000]
00:00:44 [2004-06-16 18:24:57] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1209 FL_Login start transaction [FL_Login_Send]
00:00:51 [2004-06-16 18:25:04] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1209 BL_Login start transaction [BL_Login_Send]
00:01:00 [2004-06-16 18:25:13] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1110 FL_Login end transaction [FL_Login_Send]
00:01:00 [2004-06-16 18:25:13] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1134 FL_Login transaction result [FL_Login_Send] [16.080589] [LR_PASS] [0.001000]
00:01:04 [2004-06-16 18:25:17] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1110 BL_Login end transaction [BL_Login_Send]
00:01:04 [2004-06-16 18:25:17] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1134 BL_Login transaction result [BL_Login_Send] [12.559203] [LR_PASS] [0.000000]
00:01:10 [2004-06-16 18:25:23] 043 ../lib/NotificationInit.c:6 FL_NotificationInit global_current_action_name [NotificationInit]
00:01:10 [2004-06-16 18:25:23] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1224 FL_NotificationInit start transaction [FL_NotificationInit_InitFrame]


[[Category:Log Analysis]]
[[Category:Log Analysis]]

Latest revision as of 16:09, 19 July 2009

#! /usr/bin/env python
#  Purpose: Parse and display an informix log file
#  $Id:$

Parse BL's log files to show the underlying function invocation
sequence in the designated log file.  Also show timing of start
of function.


import re
import os
import sys
import time
import getopt
import pickle


__version__  = "1.1.2"

debugFlg     = 0
stdoutFlg    = 0
verboseFlg   = 0
wallclockFlg = 0
rewriteFlg   = 0

filename     = "logs.sorted"
mode         = None
data         = None
td_start     = None
vuser        = "068"

SPACES       = "        "

started      = {}
node_map     = None


def startSeconds(s):
   return time.mktime(time.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))


def seconds(hms):
   s = hms.split(':')

   return ((s[0] * 60) + s[1]) * 60 + s[2]


def hms(t_secs):
   hm     = t_secs / 60
   hours  = hm / 60
   mins   = hm % 60
   secs   = t_secs % 60

   return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % ( hours, mins, secs)


def parse(filename):
   outfile = "timeline.txt"

      ifo = open(filename, 'r')
   except IOError, msg:
      sys.stderr.write(filename + ': cannot open: ' + `msg` + '\n')

   if stdoutFlg == 1:
      ofo = os.dup(sys.stdout)
         ofo = open(outfile, 'w')
      except IOError, msg:
         sys.stderr.write(outfile + ': cannot open: ' + `msg` + '\n')

   depth         = 0
   depth_max     = 0
   cnt           = 0
   cnt_fail      = 0
   last_hms      = None
   start         = None
   end           = None

   idx           = []
   marks         = []
   for i in range(25):
      marks.append(' ')

   while 1:
      line = ifo.readline()

      if not line: break

      line = line[:-1]

      if re.search("^[^0-9]", line):

      if re.search("^#", line):

      if re.search("^$", line):

      if re.search("^\r$", line):

      cnt += 1

      p = line.split(' ', 6)

      # print p

      hms_elapsed   = p[0]
      hms_wallclock = p[2].replace("]","")
      vuser         = p[3]
      file_lineno   = p[4]
      task          = p[5]

      if re.search(r'TxStart', p[6]):
         s    = p[6].split(' ')
         #mode = s[0]
         mode = "START"
         tmatch = re.search(r'\[(.*?)\]', s[1])
         if tmatch:
            type     = tmatch.group(1)
            subtx    = type.replace(task, "")
            subtx    = subtx.replace("_", "")
         signature = ':'.join((type, vuser))
         # print "Signature [%s]" % signature
         col = idx.pop()
         marks[col] = 'v'
         start      = col
         depth     += 1
         if not started.has_key(signature):
            started[signature] = col
         elif not started[signature]:
            started[signature] = col
            print "%s already started" % signature 
      elif re.search(r'TxEnd', p[6]):
         s    = p[6].split(' ')
         mode     = "*END*"
         tmatch = re.search(r'\[(.*?)\]', s[1])
         if tmatch:
            type     = tmatch.group(1)
            subtx    = type.replace(task, "")
            subtx    = subtx.replace("_", "")
         tmatch = re.search(r'\[(.*?)\]', s[2])
         if tmatch:
            elapsed  = float(tmatch.group(1))
         tmatch = re.search(r'\[(.*?)\]', s[3])
         if tmatch:
            status   = tmatch.group(1)
         tmatch = re.search(r'\[(.*?)\]', s[6])
         if tmatch:
            username  = tmatch.group(1)
         tmatch = re.search(r'\[(.*?)\]', s[7])
         if tmatch:
            obj       = tmatch.group(1)
         signature = ':'.join((type, vuser))
         # print "Signature [%s]" % signature
         if started.has_key(signature):
            # print "%s ending" % type 
            col = started[signature]
            if status == "LR_FAIL":
               cnt_fail  += 1
               status     = "@"
               marks[col] = '+'
               status     = " "
               marks[col] = '*'
            end        = col
            started[signature] = None
            depth -= 1
            print "%s not started" % type 

      if depth > depth_max:
         depth_max = depth

      if hms_elapsed == last_hms:
         hms_elapsed   = SPACES
         hms_wallclock = SPACES
         last_hms = hms_elapsed

      marker = ''.join(marks)

      if mode == "START":
         print >>ofo, "%s %s %s %s %s %s          %-30s %s " % (hms_elapsed, marker, hms_wallclock, vuser, node_map[vuser], mode, task[0:30], subtx[0:25])
         if elapsed > 30:
            flg = "!"
            flg = " "
         print >>ofo, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s%s %5.2f %-30s %-25s %s %s" % (hms_elapsed, marker, hms_wallclock, vuser, node_map[vuser], mode, status, flg, elapsed, task[0:30], subtx[0:25], username, obj)

      if start:
         marks[start] = '|'
         start        = None
      if end:
         marks[end]   = ' '
         end          = None


   print >>sys.stderr, "Processed %d lines (%d LR_FAIL) (max depth %d)" % (cnt, cnt_fail, depth_max)


def main():
   global filename
   global td_start
   global debugFlg
   global stdoutFlg
   global verboseFlg
   global rewriteFlg
   global wallclockFlg
   global node_map

      opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "df:ors:tvVw?")
   except getopt.error, msg:
      print __doc__
      return 1

   for o, a in opts:
      if o == '-d':
         debugFlg = 1
      elif o == '-f':
         filename = a
      elif o == '-o':
         stdoutFlg = 1
      elif o == '-s':
         td_start = a
      elif o == '-v':
         verboseFlg = 1
      elif o == '-V':
         print "Version: %s" % __version__
         return 1
      elif o == '-r':
         rewriteFlg = 1
      elif o == '-t':
         rewriteFlg = 1
         wallclockFlg = 1
      elif o == '-w':
         wallclockFlg = 1
      elif o == '-?':
         print __doc__
         return 1

   if (debugFlg):
      print ">> Flg    %s" % debugFlg

   f = open('node_map.dump', 'r')

   node_map = pickle.load(f)

   if args:
      for arg in args:

   return 1


if __name__ == '__main__' or __name__ == sys.argv[0]:


Revision History:

     Date     Who   Description
   --------   ---   --------------------------------------------------
   20040617   plh   Initial implementation

Problems to fix:

To Do:



00:00:08 [2004-06-16 18:24:21] 043 ../lib/Login.c:41 FL_Login Login - (VUser Frontline:43)
00:00:08 [2004-06-16 18:24:21] 043 ../lib/Login.c:44 FL_Login host [node2.perf:7001] username [FaMELGTW] password [FaMELGTW]
00:00:08 [2004-06-16 18:24:21] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1209 FL_Login start transaction [FL_Login_Home]
00:00:10 [2004-06-16 18:24:23] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1110 FL_Login end transaction [FL_Login_Home]
00:00:10 [2004-06-16 18:24:23] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1134 FL_Login transaction result [FL_Login_Home] [2.403497] [LR_PASS] [0.000000]
00:00:15 [2004-06-16 18:24:28] 065 ../lib/Login.c:41 BL_Login Login - (VUser Backline:65)
00:00:15 [2004-06-16 18:24:28] 065 ../lib/Login.c:44 BL_Login host [node2.perf:7001] username [BaMELGTW] password [BaMELGTW]
00:00:15 [2004-06-16 18:24:28] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1209 BL_Login start transaction [BL_Login_Home]
00:00:18 [2004-06-16 18:24:31] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1110 BL_Login end transaction [BL_Login_Home]
00:00:18 [2004-06-16 18:24:31] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1134 BL_Login transaction result [BL_Login_Home] [2.181031] [LR_PASS] [0.000000]
00:00:19 [2004-06-16 18:24:32] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1209 FL_Login start transaction [FL_Login_Redirect]
00:00:21 [2004-06-16 18:24:34] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1110 FL_Login end transaction [FL_Login_Redirect]
00:00:21 [2004-06-16 18:24:34] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1134 FL_Login transaction result [FL_Login_Redirect] [0.781231] [LR_PASS] [0.000000]
00:00:27 [2004-06-16 18:24:40] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1209 BL_Login start transaction [BL_Login_Redirect]
00:00:29 [2004-06-16 18:24:42] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1110 BL_Login end transaction [BL_Login_Redirect]
00:00:29 [2004-06-16 18:24:42] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1134 BL_Login transaction result [BL_Login_Redirect] [0.131494] [LR_PASS] [0.000000]
00:00:32 [2004-06-16 18:24:45] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1224 FL_Login start transaction [FL_Login_NotificationInitFrame]
00:00:34 [2004-06-16 18:24:47] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1110 FL_Login end transaction [FL_Login_NotificationInitFrame]
00:00:34 [2004-06-16 18:24:47] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1134 FL_Login transaction result [FL_Login_NotificationInitFrame] [0.041493] [LR_PASS] [0.000000]
00:00:39 [2004-06-16 18:24:52] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1224 BL_Login start transaction [BL_Login_NotificationInitFrame]
00:00:41 [2004-06-16 18:24:54] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1110 BL_Login end transaction [BL_Login_NotificationInitFrame]
00:00:41 [2004-06-16 18:24:54] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1134 BL_Login transaction result [BL_Login_NotificationInitFrame] [0.041671] [LR_PASS] [0.000000]
00:00:44 [2004-06-16 18:24:57] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1209 FL_Login start transaction [FL_Login_Send]
00:00:51 [2004-06-16 18:25:04] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1209 BL_Login start transaction [BL_Login_Send]
00:01:00 [2004-06-16 18:25:13] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1110 FL_Login end transaction [FL_Login_Send]
00:01:00 [2004-06-16 18:25:13] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1134 FL_Login transaction result [FL_Login_Send] [16.080589] [LR_PASS] [0.001000]
00:01:04 [2004-06-16 18:25:17] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1110 BL_Login end transaction [BL_Login_Send]
00:01:04 [2004-06-16 18:25:17] 065 ../lib/Utils.c:1134 BL_Login transaction result [BL_Login_Send] [12.559203] [LR_PASS] [0.000000]
00:01:10 [2004-06-16 18:25:23] 043 ../lib/NotificationInit.c:6 FL_NotificationInit global_current_action_name [NotificationInit]
00:01:10 [2004-06-16 18:25:23] 043 ../lib/Utils.c:1224 FL_NotificationInit start transaction [FL_NotificationInit_InitFrame]