Setting up CVS

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An Overview to Setting up and Using CVS

One of my old walk throughs...

                   SETTING UP A CVS SERVER

1.   Need cvs on the system (/usr/bin/cvs)

2.   Add cvspserver entry to /etc/services (if it is not there).

       cvspserver  2401/tcp  # CVS client/server operations
       cvspserver  2401/udp  # CVS client/server operations

3.   Add cvpserver line to /etc/inetd.conf and restart inetd.

       cvspserver stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/cvs cvs -f --allow-root=/home/cvsroot pserver

4.   Make CVS home directory, /home/cvsroot, and set it up.

       # mkdir /home/cvsroot
       # cvs -d /home/cvsroot init
       # ls -lR
       total 1
       drwxr-xr-x   3 plh      raa          1024 Aug 30 12:09 CVSROOT

       total 32
       drwxrwxr-x   2 plh      raa          1024 Aug 30 11:56 Emptydir
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root          493 Aug 30 12:09 checkoutlist
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root          692 Aug 30 12:09 checkoutlist,v
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root          760 Aug 30 12:09 commitinfo
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root          959 Aug 30 12:09 commitinfo,v
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root          364 Aug 30 12:09 config
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root          563 Aug 30 12:09 config,v
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root          753 Aug 30 12:09 cvswrappers
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root          952 Aug 30 12:09 cvswrappers,v
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root         1025 Aug 30 12:09 editinfo
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root         1224 Aug 30 12:09 editinfo,v
       -rw-rw-r--   1 root     root            0 Aug 30 12:09 history
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root         1141 Aug 30 12:09 loginfo
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root         1340 Aug 30 12:09 loginfo,v
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root         1151 Aug 30 12:09 modules
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root         1350 Aug 30 12:09 modules,v
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root          564 Aug 30 12:09 notify
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root          763 Aug 30 12:09 notify,v
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root          649 Aug 30 12:09 rcsinfo
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root          848 Aug 30 12:09 rcsinfo,v
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root          879 Aug 30 12:09 taginfo
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root         1078 Aug 30 12:09 taginfo,v
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root         1026 Aug 30 12:09 verifymsg
       -r--r--r--   1 root     root         1225 Aug 30 12:09 verifymsg,v

       total 0

5.   Add CVS environment variables to user profiles
       export CVSROOT

       # cd ~
       # touch .cvspass

6.   Test CVS login

       # . ./.bash_profile
       # cvs login

7.   Now setup some files

       # mkdir tst
       # cd tst
       # mkdir doc
       # echo AAAA > doc/README
       # echo AAAA > tst.cfg
       # cvs import -m "Setup test project" tst tconf start

       N tst/tst.cfg
       cvs server: Importing /home/cvsroot/tst/doc
       N tst/doc/README

       No conflicts created by this import

       tst    is the directory of the project in the CVS repository
       tconf  is the vendor tag
       start  is the initial release tag

     I got a permissions problem if the target directory in the CVS
     repository did not already exist and was owned by me.  Maybe
     this is because the cvs server is no running as root as it
     should and so was not able to create the files in the CVSHOME
     directory which was owned by root.

8.   To add more files (and directories) to the project, use the following
     transcript as a guide.

       # cd tst
       # mkdir src
       # cd src
       # "main(){}" > main.c
       # cd ..
       # pwd
       # ls
       doc  src  tst.cfg
       # cvs add src
       cvs add: in directory .:
       cvs [add aborted]: there is no version here; do 'cvs checkout' first

     Oops, I did this in the original source directory.  I need to push this aside
     and check the project out of the CVS repository and *then* add the new files.

       # cd ..
       # mv tst

     Now check the 'tst' project out.

       # cvs co tst
       cvs server: Updating tst
       U tst/tst.cfg
       cvs server: Updating tst/doc
       U tst/doc/README

       # cd tst
       # cp -r ../ .
       # ls
       CVS  doc  src  tst.cfg

     Now add the new project elements:

       # cvs add src
       ? src/main.c
       Directory /home/cvsroot/tst/src added to the repository
       # cd src
       # ls
       CVS  main.c
       # cvs add main.c
       cvs server: scheduling file `main.c' for addition
       cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently

     Now let's commit the changes:

       # cvs com
       cvs commit: Examining .
       cvs commit: Examining doc
       cvs commit: Examining src

     Get dropped into vi here to comment the commit...

       CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       CVS: Enter Log.  Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
       CVS: Committing in .
       CVS: Added Files:
       CVS:    src/main.c
       CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       "/tmp/cvsAHDmhQ" 10 lines, 301 characters written

       RCS file: /home/cvsroot/tst/src/main.c,v
       Checking in src/main.c;
       /home/cvsroot/tst/src/main.c,v  <--  main.c
       initial revision: 1.1

     If you want to avoid using vi add '-m "Message..."' at the end of the commit command:

       # cvs com -m "Initial setup of src tree"

9.   Once I have completed work on my copy of the project tree I should
     release it.

       # cd ~/tst
       # cvs release

     I can now either delete the project tree or leave it lying around in
     case I want to use it again in the future. 

10.  When I come back to do more work on the project tree later I can either
     do a CVS refresh on the tree (if I did not delete it) or check it out
     again (if I did delete it).

11.  To remove files, I go to the location in the checked out project
     tree where the file of interest reside and remove it.  Then I
     'cvs remove' the file and commit the changes.

       # cd tst
       # cvs refresh
       # cd doc
       # rm bad.doc
       # cvs remove bad.doc
       # cvs -m "Demo remove" com

     To move project objects use a combination of CVS removes and adds.


12.  When you do a CVS update you will get a transcript like this:

         ?   Blah...
         ?   Blah...
         ?   Blah...
         ?   Blah...
         M   Blah...
         P   Blah...
         U   Blah...
         C   Blah...

     For example:

         ? devel/fix.prg
         ? grouping/rclbs.prg
         ? cvs.log
         ? grap.prg
         ? grapf.prg
         ? Page_7nx.prg
         U Page_7n.prg
         M pag_6_1.prg
         M page_6.prg
         M page_8.prg
         M studrep.prg
         R studrep2.prg
         U lib/set_lan3.prg
         U lib/set_lan4.prg
         U lib/set_lang.prg
         U lib/setlang2.prg
         P scan/xmenu.prg
         P scan/scantool/ra02/cionly.prg
         P scan/scantool/ra02/op_3.prg
         P scan/scantool/ra02/scanria.prg
         U utils/rclbs.prg

      These codes go something like this:

      P file    ?????

      U file    File Updated

                The file was brought up to date with respect  to
                the  repository.  This is done for any file that
                exists in the repository but not in your source,
                and  for  files that you haven't changed but are
                not the most recent versions  available  in  the
                repository.  (plh's comment:  You get this when
                a file in the repository but not your local copy
                is extracted into your local copy [updated?]).

      A file    File Added to Repository  (cvs add ...)

                The  file has been added to your private copy of
                the sources, and will be  added  to  the  source
                repository  when  you  run  `cvs  commit' on the
                file.  This is a reminder to you that  the  file
                needs to be committed.

      R file    File Removed  (cvs remove ...)

                The file has been removed from your private copy
                of the sources, and will  be  removed  from  the
                source  repository  when you run `cvs commit' on
                the file.  This is a reminder to  you  that  the
                file needs to be committed.  [Removed]

      M file    Local copy Modified

                The  file is modified in your working directory.
                `M' can indicate one of two states  for  a  file
                you're  working on: either there were no modifi-
                cations to the same file in the  repository,  so
                that  your  file  remains as you last saw it; or
                there were modifications in  the  repository  as
                well  as in your copy, but they were merged suc-
                cessfully, without  conflict,  in  your  working
                directory. [local copy Modified]

      C file    Conflict...

                A  conflict  was  detected while trying to merge
                your changes  to  file  with  changes  from  the
                source repository.  file (the copy in your work-
                ing directory) is now the result of merging  the
                two versions; an unmodified copy of your file is
                also in your working directory,  with  the  name
                `.#file.version',  where version is the revision
                that your modified  file  started  from.   (Note
                that some systems automatically purge files that
                begin with  `.#' if they have not been  accessed
                for a few days.  If you intend to keep a copy of
                your original file, it is a very  good  idea  to
                rename it.) [Conflict]

      ? file    file  is in your working directory, but does not
                correspond to anything in the source repository,
                and  is  not  in  the  list  of files for cvs to
                ignore (see the description of the -I option).

Here is the transcript of a real import...

  cvs import -m "Initial import" library initial start
  + cvs import -m 'Initial import' library initial start
  N library/.htaccess
  N library/header.php
  N library/userform.html
  N library/processform.php
  cvs server: Importing /home/cvsroot/projects/pha/webdb/library/reports
  N library/reports/book_loan.php
  cvs server: Importing /home/cvsroot/projects/pha/webdb/library/request
  N library/request/form.php
  N library/request/action.php
  cvs server: Importing /home/cvsroot/projects/pha/webdb/library/search
  N library/search/index_collection.php
  N library/search/search.php
  cvs server: Importing /home/cvsroot/projects/pha/webdb/library/loan
  N library/loan/loan_list.php
  N library/publisher/action.php
  N library/publisher/form.php
  cvs server: Importing /home/cvsroot/projects/pha/webdb/library/db
  N library/db/.htaccess

  No conflicts created by this import

Here is the transcript of a checkout following this...

  xxx@yyy:~ > cvs co library
  + cvs co library
  cvs server: Updating library
  U library/.htaccess
  U library/corner.php
  U library/header.php
  U library/index.html
  U library/info.php
  U library/init.php
  U library/login_success.php
  U library/menu.php
  U library/pha-white.gif
  U library/processform.php
  U library/userform.html
  cvs server: Updating library/admin
  U library/admin/action.php
  U library/admin/form.php
  U library/admin/menu.php
  U library/admin/realaction.php
  U library/admin/realform.php
  U library/admin/realmenu.php
  cvs server: Updating library/author
  U library/author/action.php
  U library/author/form.php
  U library/author/

------ [30/08/2001]