CSharp - Serial Handling Notes

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Use the data received event to fill a buffer:

    private void dataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) {
        while (port.BytesToRead > 0){
            byte[] newBytes = new byte[port.BytesToRead];
            int LengthRead = port.Read(newBytes, 0, newBytes.Length);
            Array.Resize(ref newBytes, LengthRead);
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(newBytes, 0, buffer, positionInBuffer, newBytes.Length);
            positionInBuffer += newBytes.Length;

Looping for an expected number of bytes, in this case causing the TimeoutException:

    while (port.BytesToRead < expectedSize)
        if (waitingLoop > TimeOut)             // wait for a 1s timeout
            throw new TimeoutException();

    newBytes = new byte[expectedSize];
    LengthRead = port.Read(newBytes, 0, newBytes.Length);
    if (LengthRead != newBytes.Length)
        throw new TimeoutException(); // or any exception, doesn't matter...