Bad Permissions on Cygwin Filesystem

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The Problem:

The main problem seems to be *some* app’s under windows (such as Outlook’s ”Save file attachment as ....” works closely with the domain and sometimes creates files *not* truely owned by the local user and with mode ---rwxr-x. i.e *no* permissions to the (advised) owner. This seems to be particularly a problem if I create a directory while doing a save attachment under Outlook. That’s become my key test case.


1. How about adding “noacl” to /etc/fstab, so that it becomes something like,

none /cygdrive cygdrive binary,noacl,posix=0,user 0 0

(gotta close all your cygwin windows and start again)

2. I seem to have fixed this issue on my installation by doing a

chmod +6000 top-level-dir

To directories where I intend to populate