Analyse Test Script Logs

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calculate Mean and SD

This script takes the output of another script which produces test summary logs and calculates Mean and SD for query execution times. See [ODBC Test Script].

#!/usr/bin/env python
#  Purpose:
#  $Id:$

  Analyse SLAPD logs


import os
import re
import sys
import math
import getopt
import logging


from datetime import datetime


__version__   = "1.0.0"
__id__        = "@(#)  [%s]  01/05/2008"

verbose_flg   = False

debug_level   = 0

LOGFILE       = "xxx.log"
PIDFILE       = ""

tables        = []

log           = None
pid           = None
file_name     = None


def INFO(msg):
   if log:' ' + msg)
   if verbose_flg: print "[analyse]  %s" % msg


def ERROR(msg):
   if log: log.error(msg)
   sys.stderr.write('[analyse]  %s\n' % msg)


def WARNING(msg):
   if log: log.warning('*****' + msg + '*****')
   if verbose_flg: print "[analyse]  %s" % msg


def analyse(fname):
      f = open(fname, 'r')
   except IOError, e:
      sys.stderr.write('[analyse]  Open failed: ' + str(e) + '\n')

   s_Started = 'Started'
   p_Started = re.compile(s_Started)

   s_time   = r'.*\[([^\]]*)\]'
   p_time   = re.compile(s_time)

   times =  []

   cnt = 0

   sum_time  = 0.0
   sum_time2 = 0.0

   while True:
      line = f.readline()

      if not line: break

      line = line.strip()

      m =

      if m:

      m =

      if m:
         time    = float(


         cnt += 1

         sum_time    += time
         t_squared    = time * time
         sum_time2   += t_squared

         if verbose_flg: print "%s  %3d  %s" % time

   mean = sum_time / cnt

   sum_sqr = 0.0

   for t in times:
       delta    = (t - mean)
       sqr      = delta * delta
       sum_sqr += sqr

   sigma = math.sqrt(sum_sqr / cnt)

   sd   = math.sqrt((sum_time2 - (cnt * (mean * mean)))/cnt)

   print "Mean = %7.3f [%d]  sigma  %.2f  SD %.2f" % (mean, cnt, sigma, sd)


   if debug_level > 5: INFO("Processed %d lines" % (len(Data), ))


def init():
   global log
   global pid

   pid = os.getpid()

   log  = logging.getLogger('xxx')
   hdlr = logging.FileHandler(LOGFILE)
   fmtr = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')


   INFO("Started processing")

   if (not verbose_flg):
      INFO("PID is %d" % pid)


def main():
   global verbose_flg
   global debug_level
   global file_name

      opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "df:D:vVw?")
   except getopt.error, msg:
      print __doc__
      return 1

   for o, a in opts:
      if o == '-d':
         debug_level   += 1
      elif o == '-D':
         debug_level    = int(a)
      elif o == '-f':
         file_name      = a
      elif o == '-v':
         verbose_flg    = True
      elif o == '-V':
         print "[analyse]  Version: %s" % __version__
         return 1
      elif o == '-?':
         print __doc__
         return 1

   print "[analyse]  Working directory is %s" % os.getcwd()

   if (debug_level > 0): print "Debugging level set to %d" % debug_level

   if args:
      for arg in args:
         print arg



   return 0


if __name__ == '__main__' or __name__ == sys.argv[0]:
   except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
      print "[analyse]  Interrupted!"


Revision History:

     Date     Who   Description
   --------   ---   ------------------------------------------------------------
   20080501   plh   Initial implementation

Problems to fix:

To Do:




Input File

2008-05-02 13:03:58,328 INFO  ===== Started processing ==================================
2008-05-02 13:04:00,125 INFO  01 ManifestNo EA004454072AU  [1.735] sec    7 rows returned
2008-05-02 13:04:01,546 INFO  02 ManifestNo EE007797760BD  [1.421] sec    4 rows returned
2008-05-02 13:04:02,640 INFO  03 ManifestNo EA004393078AU  [1.094] sec    5 rows returned
2008-05-02 13:04:03,625 INFO  04 ManifestNo EA003698436AU  [0.985] sec    3 rows returned
2008-05-02 13:04:05,328 INFO  05 ManifestNo EA004065228AU  [1.703] sec    8 rows returned
2008-05-02 13:04:06,750 INFO  06 ManifestNo EE017124361BR  [1.422] sec    6 rows returned
2008-05-02 13:04:08,203 INFO  07 ManifestNo EM710190113KR  [1.453] sec    5 rows returned
2008-05-02 13:04:09,655 INFO  08 ManifestNo EM640327308KR  [1.453] sec    6 rows returned
2008-05-02 13:04:11,125 INFO  09 ManifestNo EE000212495VU  [1.453] sec    6 rows returned
2008-05-02 13:04:12,078 INFO  10 ManifestNo EH609611995CN  [0.953] sec    1 rows returned


Looks like:

Mean =   3.762 [5542]  sigma  1.53  SD 1.53